27 Jul 2009

Words "あ"

Hello Vanya san!

Ogenki desuka Vanya san?
Kinouwa Vanya to ohanashi dekite ureshikatta desu.
(I was happy to talk to you yesterday.)
Thank you!

Today I give you some words starts from "あ".

Make some sentences by yourself, it may help your Japanese to become well.


   * akari wo tsukeru. = to put on the light
ari no su = nest of ants
anata ga suki = I like you
ashi no ura = sole
atama ga itai = get a headache
anime wo miru = watch a animation films
aki ni naru = come autumn
ame ga furu = rain
ame wo nameru = eat candy
ani to issho = with a brother


atsui natu = hot summer
atatakai fuyu = warm winter
akarui mirai = bright future
atsui nuno = thick clothes
asai umi = shallow ocean
amai okashi = sweet sweets
abunai basho = dangerous place
akai zubon = red pants


   * Vanya to au = to meet Vanya
watashi wa aruku no ga suki desu = I like walking
mado wo akeru = open the window
taberu koto wo aishite masau = I love eating!
anatani kore wo agemasu = I give you this
isshoni asobimashou = shall we play?

22 Jul 2009

Basic conversation

Konnichiwa Vanya san!

Ogenki desuka? Watashi wa genki desu.
Today was soler eclipse which is called 'Nisshoku' in japanese, it was so fantastic to see Nisshoku.
Did you see the sun?

I'll teach you some basic conversation today.

I guess you've already known many of them though, hope you can find new words and sentences!


yes = hai

no = iie

excuse me = sumimasen

thank you = arigatou

your welcome = dou itashimashite
        どう いたしまして


How do you do? = Hajime mashite.

My name is Vanya. = Watashino namae wa Vanya desu.
          わたしの なまえ は わーにゃ です。

What's your name? = Anatano namae wa nandesuka?
          あなたの なまえは なんですか?

I'm from India. = Watashiwa Indo kara kimashita.
        わたしは インド から きました。

Where are you from? = Anatawa doko kara kimashita ka?
           あなたは どこ から きました か?

Where are you from in India? = Anatawa indo no doko kara kimashita ka?
              あなたは いんど の どこ から きました か?

Watashiha Indo no Kasol kara kimashita. = Watashiwa indo no Kasol kara kimashita.
                   わたしは いんど の かそーる から きました。

What is Kasol like? = Kasolwa donna tokoro desu ka?
          かそーるは どんな ところ です か?

It's so beautiful place. = Totemo utukushii tokoro desu.
           とても うつくしい ところ です。

Have you ever been there? = Anatawa sokoni itta kotoga arimasuka?

             あなたは そこに いった ことが ありますか?

No, I haven't. = Iie, arimasen.

I hope to go there someday. = Istukawa ikitai desu. * itsuka = someday
              いつかは いきたい です。


20 Jul 2009


Konbanwa Vanya san!

Ogenki desuka? Watashiwa totemo genki desu.
I'll teach you some basic nouns today.
I would be happy if you try to make some sent
ences with these nouns!


Kanojo wa ogenki desuka? = How is she?

Kore wa nan desuka? = What is this?
Kore wa PSP desu. = This is a PSP.
Kono game wa omoshiroi desu. = This game is interesting.

Koko wa Manali desu. = Here is Manali.

* yesterday morning
= kinou no asa

* tomorrow night
= ashita no yoru

Kinou wa nani wo shimashita ka? = What did you do yesterday?

Kesa panwo takusan tabemashita. = I ate lots of breads in this morning.

  • pan = bread 
  • taberu = to eat

18 Jul 2009


Konnichiwa! Vanya san
How are you today?
Today I'll tell you some senteces about greeting, though you've already know some words.
I hope you to know new words!


Good morning = Ohayou gozaimasu
        おはよう ございます

Good afternoon = Konnichiwa

Good evening = Konbanwa

Good night = Oyasumi nasai
      おやすみ なさい


How are you? = Ogenki desu ka?
       おげんき ですか?

I'm fine. = Genki desu.
     げんき です

I'm so so = Maamaa desu.
     まあまあ です

I'm not fine = Yoku arimasen.
       よく ありません

How about you? = Anata wa ikaga desu ka?
        あなた は いかが です か?


I'm glad to see you. = Oai dekite uresii desu.
          おあい できて うれしい です

I'm very happy to see you. = Oai dekite totemo uresii desu.
             おあいできて とても うれしい です


Good bye = Sayounara.

See you again = Mata aimashou.
       また あいましょう

Nice talking to you = Ohanashi dekite tanoshikatta desu.
          おはなし できて うれしかったです

Thank you very much = Doumo arigatou gozaimashita.
* polite form
          ありがとう ございました

Thank you = Arigatou.
* we use among friends